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NEWSLOKAL - Lokale Nachrichten & Zeitungen 4.6.4 - App Store

About NEWSLOKAL - Lokale Nachrichten & Zeitungen

Timecall lets you connect with people worldwide by paying them instantly for every second of a phone call. Wouldn t it be amazing if we could tap into the expertise of every person worldwide? The world is connected like...

Timecall lets you connect with people worldwide by paying them instantly for every second of a phone call. Wouldn t it be amazing if we could tap into the expertise of every person worldwide? The world is connected like never before but we still can not access everybody we discover on the Web, Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. Sometimes we cannot even benefit from our closer contacts as we all have busy schedules. Time is probably the most precious thing we have in life and if we want to talk to a busy person for minutes or hours it seems natural to reward him for his time. But what seems obvious is actually complex, even awkward: pricing, scheduling a call, invoicing and transferring the payment sometimes cross-borders. Timecall makes this process seamless. We hope that in the future more people can connect and exchange their knowledge. How to tap into the expertise of people worldwide in 5 Steps: 1. If the expert is already on Timecall use the search people section and send a request with the purpose of your call. 2. If you know a person who can answer your question and solve your problem, then invite him via e-mail or sms. You can also send an invitation through LinkedIn, Whatsapp or Facebook however your are connected to that person. After the person signed up for Timecall, send him a request with the purpose of your call. 3. Sometimes you have a question but don t know who is the right person to talk to just send us a message and we ll try to find the right expert. 4. When you use the Start Timecall button in your chat conversation, a conference call will be initiated. Every call is charged on a per-second basis. 5. After a Timecall a summary is displayed in your chat window and the money is transferred automatically.

Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Previous Versions

Here you can find the changelog of NEWSLOKAL - Lokale Nachrichten & Zeitungen since it was posted on our website on 2016-09-25 19:04:31. The latest version is 4.6.4 and it was updated on 2024-04-22 18:32:14. See below the changes in each version.

NEWSLOKAL - Lokale Nachrichten & Zeitungen version 4.6.4
Updated At: 2009-07-15

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Official App Store Link

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Downloads: 3
Updated At: 2024-04-22 18:32:14
Publisher: TAPWORK GmbH
Operating System: IOS
License Type: Free